2002 Fall term 台灣聯大/交通大學 

物理所  書報討論

快樂學習 滿意保證
[2002/10/03 updated] 週四 EF  


   時間     講題 演講學者   參考資料  /  請同學事先閱讀預作準備
0 (9/12) 課程簡介    高文芳  主持   物理所網頁資料
1 (9/19)  Orientation 所有物理所老師   物理所網頁資料
2 /JY (9/26)  

 "Magnetotunneling in Electron-hole systems"


Dr. Yiping Lin

Dept. of Physics, SUNY, Stony Brook <yplin@grad.physics.sunysb.edu>


  1. Ch 2 (p.11-38) and Ch. 4 (p.116-139), in "Quantum Semiconductor
Structures" by Claude Weisbuch and Borge Vinter, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego(1991).

 2. Ch. 9 "Quantum Effects in Transport Phenomena", in "Semiconductor Physics" by K. Seeger.

 3. Ch. 9 in "Fundamentals of Semiconductors" by Peter Y. Yu and Manuel Cardona, Springer-Verlag, especially sec. 9.1 to 9.2.3 and sec. 9.5-9.6



Probing Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior


周定一教授   清大物理系  1. J. Harvey, "Helioseismology" Physics Today  , Oct95, Vol. 48 Issue 10, p32 

2. 周定一, 國科會 自然科學簡訊 Natural Sciences Newsletter, NSC, Feb, 2000, Vol 12, No. 1, page 10.

3. 周定一, 台灣全球日震觀測網

4/TY (10/17)   

Fluctuation, Noise And Biological Motor Function


鄭天佑 (Tian Yow Tsong) 教授 
University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences, and
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University(Visiting)

R.D. Astumian, "Making molecules into motors", Scientific American, July 2001 Issue. Pp. 56  - 64;

R. Dean Astumian: "Thermodynamics and kinetics of a Brownian motor", Science 276 (1997) 917-922.

5 (10/24) 

Metal-Insulator Transition and Mesoscopic Physics

林志忠教授   交大物理所 林志忠教授  網頁
6/TF  (10/31)

Trapped ions as quantum information processors

郭西川教授    彰師大物理系  A J Leggett, Rev Mod Phys v73, 307 (2001)
江進福    物理學的新境界
7/GL (11/7) 

 Cometary-like Phenomena in Astrophysics

葉永烜教授   中央大學天文研究所  http://www.seds.org/messier/more/m042_h6r.html
8/GL (11/14)   

Observing Very High Energy Neutrinos from
Active Galactive Nuclei and Galactic Center


黃明輝 博士  台大物理系 1.黃明輝  混沌未明的新疆界 ¾¾ 極高能宇宙射線物理

2. Lin, G.L.,  Physics Bi-monthly, V24, Aug. 2002. p.547

3. Hou, W.S.,  Physics Bi-monthly, V24, Aug. 2002. p.553

4. NuTEl web site: http://hep1.phys.ntu.edu.tw/nutel/index.html

9/TF (11/21)  


周建和 教授  高師大物理系 周建和,2002,街頭物理:彈奏物理的民歌手,第10頁,物理雙月刊24卷1期
10/DS (11/28)  

Ag induced spin-reorientation
 transition of Co ultrathin films on Pt(111) surface

沈青嵩教授   師大物理系 1. S. Hope, E. Gu, B. Choi, and J. A. C. Bland,"Spin Engineering in Ultrathin
Cu/Co/Cu(110)", Phys. Rev. Letter. 80,1750 (1998).

2. D. M. Schaller, D. E. Burgler, C. M. Schmidt, F. Meisinger, and H.-J.
Guntherodt, "Spin reorientations induced by morphology changes in Fe/Ag(001)", Phys. Rev. B, 59, 14516 (1999).

3. C.S. Shern, C.W. Su, Y.E. Wu, S.H. Chen, "Ag induced enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy", Surf. Sci.  495, L821(2001).

4. F. C. Chen, Y. E. Wu, C. W. Su, and C. S. Shern, "Ag induced
spin-reorientation of Co Ultrathin films on Pt(111)", Phys. Rev. B (will
appear on 01, Nov. 2002)
11/JJ (12/5)  Homo-biepitaxial grainboundary junctions of Y Ba2Cu3OX 齊正中教授   清大物理系  Homo-biepitaxial grainboundary junctions of Y Ba2Cu3OX
12/WF (12/12)   

量子計算淺談  (Quantum Computing abc).

蘇正耀教授   高速電腦中心   量子資訊淺談    


13/JJ (12/19) J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model and the Hofstadter spectrum 張明哲教授   師大物理系  
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol 87, 097203 (2001);
Chap 33 of "Solid State Physics", by Ashcroft and Mermin ;
Phys. Rev. B vol 14, 2239 (1976)
14/HF (12/26)    Highly Photoluminescent Semiconducting Polymers and Application in Organic EL Display 黎安國教授   交大應化系  
1. Electroluminescence in conjugated polymers, Nature vol. 397, 14, 121, 1999
2. Electroluminescent conjugated polymers- seeing polymers in a new light, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 37, 402, 1998

上課時間: 週四 EF

學分數: 1 學分
開課對象: 全校各學院學生

授課教室: 計中2F NCTS教室
授課教師: 物理所高文芳
Tel: 5731969    Cellar phone: 0928 275758
Fax: 5720728 (FAX, in our headquarter)