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MEMORY: (Repetition/Organization)

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MEMORY: (Levels of Processing/Encoding Specificity/Transfer Appropriate Processing)


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 MEMORY: (Semantic)


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MEMORY: (Spread of Activation)


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MEMORY: (Categories & Prototypes)


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MEMORY: (Schemas/Scripts)


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MEMORY: (Text Processing)


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MEMORY: (Implicit & Explicit)


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MEMORY: (Recall/Recall Effects)


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MEMORY: (Miscellaneous)


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INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (Processing & Search):


Alba, J. and W. Hutchinson, “Dimensions of Consumer Expertise,” Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March 1987), 83-95.


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INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (Processing & Choice):


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ATTITUDES (and Behavior)


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INNOVATIVENESS (Behavioral Perspectives)


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PRICING (Behavioral Perspectives)


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